Taking It to New Levels

I’m in El Paso today on a work project. Nice place. I’ve only ever driven through on I-10 before so staying downtown last night and walking around San Jacinto Plaza was a treat for me.

This morning I was blessed to attend Mass at the FSSP parish, Immaculate Conception, which is also downtown. It’s easy to forget that one is only mere blocks from Mexico in this place (at least at an early hour when few are out).

The priest was a young man. Let me retract that. He was a boy of five who clearly woke up today and decided to play man, combing his hair neatly, roughing up his face so he could look like he shaved, and stretching his vocal chords attempting to drop into a high baritone. I tease because of his youthful vigor and appearance but boy was he inspiring in his deep reverence. Seriously, pray for him and for more like him.

Immaculate Conception Catholic Church (FSSP), El Paso, TX

Speaking of new levels, these folks need to up their acronym game…

St. Albert the Great, pray for us!

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