Daily Archives: November 19, 2023

I’m Sorry to Tell You, Father…

I came across another video while walking on the treadmill today. Sensing a trend? I know, I should be praying my rosary; but at my pace I have no breath. Mental prayer, I guess…

Anyway, I’m not sure who the priest is. He’s speaking on behalf of the Fatima Center. And he is plain wrong. Watch the video and I shall explain.

Father states that we ought not forget the Byzantine Catholic, the Ukrainian Catholic Churches [presumably as alternatives should the TLM be taken away]. He says, “ No monkey business has yet…” and here he trails off but one can assume he means that nothing nefarious has yet to creep into these ancient liturgies.


I just attended a wedding in a Ukrainian Catholic church three weeks ago. Do you know that the “filioque” was not only omitted in the Creed but when I picked up the equivalent of a daily missal from the pew, it had been literally scratched out with a pencil.

Muddying our understanding of the procession of Persons in the Trinity certainly seems like “monkey business” to me. Of course this may not be the norm in all Byzantine Catholic churches. Perhaps a reader can enlighten me.