Daily Archives: November 20, 2023

Follow Up on the Byzantine Video and a Prayer Request

Yesterday I posted a video that had gotten quite the bit of feedback in my inbox.

One reader took the time to write a very thoughtful reply and I am much appreciative. This man states that an omission of the Filioque from the Creed does not imply a lack of belief in the dogma. In theory I can accept that. To this I would reply with the following.

Suppose I were to make the sign of the cross thus: “In the Name of the Father and of the Son” and stop there. I still believe in the Trinity.

I truly hope this does not come across as combative nor as ignorant (certainly not willfully so). Truth be told, if the ancient Roman Mass were taken away I would absolutely head toward my local Byzantine church (which almost just autocorrected to “churro”😂) for that liturgy is also ancient and beautiful and fitting for worship of God.

And to that reader who took the time to dialogue with me, my apologies for lack of a personal response. I hope the next paragraph explains.

I received news from one of my sisters that her adult daughter has cancer. I won’t share any more details out of respect for her privacy but I will beg each of you reading this to pray, in your charity, for her.

Our Lady, health of the sick, pray for us!

St. Peregrine, pray for us!

St. Rita, pray for us!

Tyler, TX, Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception