Daily Archives: November 30, 2023

A Most Perfect Gift

Today is my favorite day of the year. It is my twin sister’s birthday!

46 years ago today she came into the world riding my coattails. I was Baby A, as they say in twindom. Every year I wish her a happy birthday… but not on this day exactly. I certainly do think of her today and I communicate with her my thoughts on how old I’m getting. I jokingly tell her that it’s not fair that she will be youthful forever. I ask for her help in everything I do. We are very close.

But her real “birthday” is February 1. That is the day she entered into her real life. When we were four years-old, God called her home. Our Catholic faith teaches me that as a baptized child who died before attaining the use of reason, she is exactly where she was created to be – in the Beatific Vision, eternally contemplating the perfecton of Almighty God. And I’m her twin, so bonus points for me, right?

But it’s also my favorite day of the year for another reason (and I have told this story before so forgive me for repeating myself). Just keep in mind that God’s Providence extends even to a poor sinner like me and His love and mercy endure forever.

Fourteen years ago, on my 32nd birthday, my wife gave birth to our only daughter. As I sat next to her in the operating room and they extracted our little girl from her mother’s womb in a manner that would make Julius Caesar proud, the anesthesiologist looked at her phone to give the staff the official time of birth. “0923,” she said. I confirmed that time on my phone and then I turned to my wife and said, “He’s really good.” The guy who was holding my wife’s hand, heart bursting with pride and eager to hold his new baby just happens to have entered the world by the same method on that same date at that same time of day.

I looked up and offered the simplest and most heartfelt prayer I have ever prayed.

“Thank you!”

As our baby girl has grown up, I have always noticed a striking resemblance to my twin sister. And I just think it’s the coolest thing God has ever done for me. I have been able to celebrate my birthday as a twin again these past fourteen years, making up for the twenty-eight years I came to the parties solo (although my mom and dad were always good about giving me two gifts on this day – one for me and one for her). My poor wife, on the other hand, has had the burden of trying to plan the perfect parties for a grown man and a young girl. Have I told you about my 40th? It was a princess tea party theme. I was dashing as the prince.

I share this story simply because I think it really is a sign of God’s love, His sense of humor, and His most amazing Providence.

So wherever you happen to find yourself this evening, do me a favor. Raise a glass for the three of us (and one of my nephews who also decided to break out of the womb on this day). More importantly, say a prayer for our sanctification.

And as I hurtle inexorably toward death (sorry for the dark humor), I’ll leave you with these two words; because birthday or no, we’re all going to end up before the throne of judgment which is the Cross…

Stay Confessed.