Daily Archives: May 18, 2024

Someone is ALWAYS Praying for You!

Today I received an email from a Carmelite nun. Without divulging any of the contents, I will say that she closed by asking me to pray for her community.

In my response to her I marveled at this curious detail.

A Carmelite asked me to pray for her.

Friends. If you don’t know, the Carmelites and other such orders exist to fulfill Christ’s command to “pray without ceasing”.

These women literally spend their time praying for the entire Church. In fact, there’s an old rhyme.

“Every day and every night, on Carmel’s height, someone is always praying for you!”

So I ask you dear readers (who have been so generous in your prayers and in your time reading my silly rantings) please join me in praying for this Carmel.

And please consider sharing the link to the fundraiser I have been promoting for the Herrera family of Texas. So many of you have been so charitable and it is greatly appreciated. They are still aways off from their goal but they can get there. Simply copy the link and share it by text or email with all of your friends.


God bless you all!

A local Carmel (not the one in question)