Monthly Archives: June 2024

This Is What It Is Coming To

Friends, as mentioned, I’m traveling for work today.

I’ll let you in on a little secret. I ask the Blessed Mother every so often (usually every day) to help me worship her Son in the ancient Mass of His Church EVERY DAY.

When I’m home it’s fairly easy. I go to my TLM parish. I’m quite fortunate. It’s ten minutes away and it’s vibrant.

When I travel? That’s another story. You probably already know that we are not many in number – those of us of the trad persuasion. And yet, she has never let me down. Not once.

So imagine my surprise when what she delivered this time also seemed to be a foretaste of what will come when and if the queers in Roma have their way.

I landed last night in Miami. Fun fact: I could listen to the MIA Airport P-A announcer-lady say “LaGuardia” all day long.

Now arriving from La Waaardia…”

Lyrical genius.

Anyway, my work had me heading up the coast a bit to Fort Lauderdale so I picked up my rental (turned down the EV they tried to shunt on me) and drove 45 minutes north. Checked into my hotel and essentially went to bed. Grueling workouts the past few weeks have left me beat, he said while flexing.

A few days ago I had reached out to a friend whom we shall say is “in the know” and asked him to help me find a TLM in this area. Turns out it’s here but it’s not easy.

This morning, I woke up at 5:30. I showered, ironed my clothes, dressed, and drove an hour back to the south side of Miami where I followed very precise instructions. “Park in such and such location, wait for people to arrive, follow them through doors and down mysteriously corridors…”

I’m not even joking. It’s cloak and dagger on speed.

My reward?


I got to attend Mass on the feast of the pure Aloysius Gonzaga in a Jesuit chapel, no less, with a dozen other Catholics who seemed to know I was coming. From the moment I parked I was greeted by a lady who said, “You going to the [whispered tone] LATIN Mass? Follow me…”

After Mass I drove an hour back to Lauderdale to conduct my business and then an hour back to the airport in Miami. I was worried the whole time that I would be late to something, that somehow my carefully planned schedule would fall apart.

How foolish of me!

Blessed Mother ALWAYS takes care of her children. When we ask to worship her Son, she hears us. And we should NEVER fear that what she delivers to us isn’t perfect. Besides, I kind of like it when I’m kept on my toes. Made it back to the airport in perfect (if not precisely exact) time.

Friends, whatever they try to do to us, take heart. Think of Blessed Mother standing beneath the cross. Ask her to bring you there with her to console her, because that’s what the Mass is. And trust in her that she will do it because she loves you and wants you to keep her company as she watches Him die for us. And it will be rough. And it will be tumble. And it will be fun and scary and crazy. But do not fear.


More Travels

I’m on the road again. This time for business. please offer a prayer for safety and success.

And say a prayer or two (or 153) for Archbishop Vigano.

Haven’t We Seen This One Before?

A friend sent me this:

That’s Lifesite reporting on Rorate’s story about the supposed “TLM Kill Shot”.

As others have noted, based on past reporting this may or may not be true. As Frank Walker pointed out in his update video two nights ago, why would anyone have sources close to Arthur Roche?

The friend who sent me the Lifesite article said simply, “I won’t follow it.”

Neither will I, whatever “it” is. If “it” comes to pass as it might, however, we’d have to know some solid priests. That’s been my concern for several years since the Coof lockdowns when they took away Mass and Confession for most of us anyway. There were a few people still able to hear Mass (in person). I was not one of them and it made me really angry. I vowed never to let that happen again.

St. Louis Catholic asked recently, “What are you prepared to do?” I know what I’m prepared to do.

Our Lady of Mount Carmel, pray for us!

Station XIV, Carhedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Newark, NJ

They Didn’t Let Me Down this Time

I know about heartbreak and disappointment. I’ve been a Mets fan all my life.

My son and I went to see our New York Mets play here in Texas and for the first time ever, my boy got to see his favorite team win a ball game.

Savor it, son. it doesn’t happen often.

Following Up on Fathers Day

There have been more than a few confessors on the calendar of late and this has given me the opportunity to hear one of my very favorite Communion Verses frequently.

“Fidélis servus et prudens, quem constítuit dóminus super famíliam suam: ut det illis in témpore trítici mensúram.” (Lk. 12:42)

“The faithful and wise servant whom his master set over his family to give them their measure of wheat in due season.”

God grant that this may be said of me. Kind of sums up fatherhood very nicely.

Looking for Resources

Something very odd has come to my attention. So I would like to pose to you dear readers this question. In all seriousness, if you know the answer or know someone who does, email me.

What are the “rules” regarding saying a Mass not on the day on which you are saying that Mass? In other words, may a priest celebrate 6 Masses for, say, all the Sundays of Lent on Ash Wednesday? One should assume that these are not “dry Masses” as the people involved most likely do not even know that term. Keep in mind this is not the same as saying a votive Mass for a Saint on a day that is not that saint’s feast day. It has been suggested that Fr. Z. might have some insight in this matter I cannot tell. A search of his blog does not seem to yield anything pertaining to the topic. And yes, TV cameras are involved.

More to come…

Blessed and Happy Fathers Day to all Dads!

I’m thankful to my late dad who taught me to fear God and not men.