Daily Archives: June 3, 2024

The End of the Road

Yesterday the family and I started making our way home from the Atlantic coast all the way back to Texas. We had a blessed time visiting with our friends – four families in all with a total of about 50 people. It’s our yearly tradition and we’ve even managed to get a priest in on the act with us – an enhancement that only brought us to a whole new level. To have a daily TLM before going out onto the beach each day is, well, there’s nothing quite like it.

On our drive, thanks to bishops who either fear the man the presume to be their boss or who genuinely despise their flocks (perhaps both but I’ll be kind and go with the former) we managed to find exactly one TLM for Sunday Mass. Keep in mind this diocese covers half of the state of North Carolina. One Mass for everyone. And it was held in the cathedral and it was a high Mass. The choir was magnificent. The acoustics are grand. The building itself isn’t bad for a new construction. So thank you, Bishop, for that. Truly. I am grateful. I know things aren’t what any of us would like right now but God provided for me as He does for the five hundred or so faithful of this particular TLM community. By the way, group, your priest is a rock star. Thank God for him.

So now we just drive another thirteen hundred miles or so and back to the safety of the parish.

Deo Gratias and thanks to all of you who kept us in your prayers. The more substantive daily posts will resume tomorrow.

Cathedral of the Holy Name of Jesus, Raleigh, NC