Daily Archives: June 5, 2024

A Great Piece from St. Louis Catholic

I read this earlier and agreed with it so much so that I wanted to make sure everyone gets to read it. Especially in this “election” season, I am reminded of all the times we were told “you have to vote for X because Y is far worse” or similar. Read a bit below and then click over for the rest.

“As my wife crystallized many years ago– in the Indian Summer of pre-scamdemic, post-Summorum Pontificum, conservative-N.O.-ers-and-Trads-living-together, let’s-vote-harder-for-freedom time, she had one, chief complaint:

“I’m tired of being lied to 100% of the time.”

I’m not saying that this was not true at an earlier time or that other persons came to that conclusion without her help. What I am saying is that her particular way of phrasing what many felt and now all non-Matirx people know for a fact struck me quite forcibly, and I have never forgotten it.”
