Daily Archives: June 8, 2024

Tradflags Has Outdone Themselves. God Bless Our Home and God Bless Texas!

A few days ago – four to be exact – a man known to all in the trad world by a few different aliases sent me a picture and suggested I might like the product contained therein.

I am already a huge fan of the company Tradflags.com so I couldn’t resist. I clicked the link and found myself pulling out the old debit card.

Here we are four days later and I proudly present to you all…

The TEXAS SACRED HEART flag! Talk about rapid delivery!

The astute observer will note that I have replaced my previous Sacred Heart flag with this Lone Star variant. He will also note the fraying edges of the Immaculate Heart flag that hangs just below. That fraying is entirely my fault. I did not heed the warning of the Tradflags folks a year ago and so I did not properly Scotchgard the flag. Texas, as you may have heard, gets pretty durn hot during the summer months and pretty durn tornadic the rest of the year. Perhaps one of my loving sisters can fix this problem for me or perhaps I’ll just have to buy more flags.

With that in mind, before raising this standard I did a couple of things that I highly recommend.

First, go to their website and buy a flag or two. You will not regret it!

Second, Scotchgard that flag. See above about regrets and the lack thereof.

Finally, this…

A very Trad and Texan image…

I busted out the Epiphany water at this step. Sprinkle the flag, the pole, and the ground with the Epiphany water. Say a prayer. I simply asked Our Lord to bless the flag, the home and land, and this great state of Texas and to keep us always mindful of His infinite love for us. I asked Him to protect us from storms and to bless all who lovingly look upon these flags. Finally, I asked Him to accept my devotion to His Sacred Heart and to the Immaculate Heart of His Mother and to bless me and my family.

Then I sat down on my porch with my gin and tonic to admire this work of art. It is still Texas after all and it’s already 100° in early June.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!