Looking for Resources

Something very odd has come to my attention. So I would like to pose to you dear readers this question. In all seriousness, if you know the answer or know someone who does, email me. Harvey@harveymillican.com

What are the “rules” regarding saying a Mass not on the day on which you are saying that Mass? In other words, may a priest celebrate 6 Masses for, say, all the Sundays of Lent on Ash Wednesday? One should assume that these are not “dry Masses” as the people involved most likely do not even know that term. Keep in mind this is not the same as saying a votive Mass for a Saint on a day that is not that saint’s feast day. It has been suggested that Fr. Z. might have some insight in this matter I cannot tell. A search of his blog does not seem to yield anything pertaining to the topic. And yes, TV cameras are involved.

More to come…

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