Daily Archives: June 25, 2024

Cow Eats Grass, Man Eats Cow. I Could Get Used to This.

I’ve always been a carnivore at heart. When a friend recommended I try the “carnivore diet”, I realized it was pretty much my diet already. Also, living in Texas it’s kind of mandatory by law that I eat like this at least once a week.

Tonight’s din din:

There’s brisket (mine’s better), turkey, sirloin, sausage, and the ribs are for my daughter.

I’m cheating a bit as I have out-of-town company but all of that went down the hatch of yours truly. And I feel somehow stronger for it, like a bull. Grains be damned! And we all know the way things are going, if you can get your hands on food like this, you should totally do it before they take it away from us.

Blessed be God Forever!