Tag Archives: howard hubbard

Death Comes for the Bishop

Howard Hubbard died this morning.

May God have mercy on his soul.

For reference, this is the same Hubbard who did his best to destroy the Church in Albany for forty years, was embroiled in multiple sodomy scandals, and then claimed to have married a woman just months ago admittedly without laicization.

Stay confessed.

Do penance in this life.



Give alms.


Oh Howie, You Make Me Laugh!

Did you see this one?

It seems our old friend, Howard Hubbard, Bishop Emeritus of Albany, has “married”. And here’s the kicker. It’s a chick!

Frank Walker really has to put up a disclaimer on some of his headlines. I almost fell off my chair laughing.

Background: Hubbard became Bishop of Albany in 1977 at the age of 39! He was named to the post by Pope Paul VI (remember him? The saint?). He held that post, systematically destroying the Church for 37 years. After his retirement all kinds of fun stuff emerged about his role in covering up sodomy and various other forms of sex crimes. I remember as a kid, my parents reading about him on a regular basis in papers like The Wanderer and asking, “When is John Paul going to remove him?!” Little detail: He was not removed. It seemed back then as now that no crime was too great, no heresy too significant to sack a bishop. Of course today we have the handful of actual good bishops removed or threatened for the sin of clinging to the Deposit of Faith. Hello, Bishop Strickland!

Mother of Priests, pray for us!

And now this man who never held Church teachings in very high regard before announced that he has once again dispensed himself from the Church’s law – this time regarding marriage. Another little detail: Observing the Church’s laws on matrimony is one of the PRECEPTS of the Church.

But back to the original observation.

Do we really believe this octogenarian is in a hetero-normative relationship? I’m only using that word because I hope to God there’s no sexual congress involved. I’m also vomiting a little as we speak. This would be like hearing that Paul Lynde or Jm J. Bullock were straight. Sorry, my Youtube feed recently suggested a bunch of old episodes of Hollywood Squares.

Anyway… The current bishop of Albany, Edward Scharfenberger says he is “processing this” but does clarify that the Church does not recognize the marriage and that Hubbard remains a bishop. My suggestion? Absolutely do not recognize the marriage AND laicize this creep yesterday.