Daily Archives: November 2, 2023

The Dead

I am currently traveling. My family and I arrived in the Fatherland yesterday (New Jersey) for the wedding of one of my nieces. It was All Saints Day. The rest of the gang made it to the early Mass at home before our flight. Yours truly still had some packing to do and so I went to a sung Mass at the ICK oratory I usually attend when I am home. It was, as it always is, magnificent. Laudetur Jesus Christus!

Which brings us to today. November 2nd. All Souls Day.

As I am “back home” for the next few days, I will have the opportunity not only to attend Masses for the dead but to visit the old family plot at the cemetery.

There isn’t much more I can add to this other than the exhortation to pray always for the souls in purgatory. In God’s infinite Mercy you and I may be among them one day.

Offer prayers, sufferings, and good works for the souls of the faithful departed this month and always.

Here is a link to a set of daily prayers for the dead that I use. But even the simply “Eternal rest grant unto them” prayer we were all taught growing up is perfectly acceptable. Make the sign of the cross when you pass a cemetery. Pray for them!

Crucifixion Window, St. Mary’s, Fort Worth, TX