Pro Tip: ArchNY is Thoroughly Gay and It Has Been for Years

Absolutely no one is buying the BS press release from the rector of St. Pat’s. Case in point, see the article below from PIX11 New York. Click HERE to read the article.

And here’s the money quote:

“Pro Tip: It is good pastoral practice to reach out to the family of the deceased directly to express condolences and to plan a funeral liturgy – and by all means Google the name of the person to learn as much as you can about their life. Beyond that all I can say to our neighboring parish is: Welcome to LGBTQ Ministry.”

Friends, Ann Barnhardt has referred to St. Patrick’s Cathedral as a “hellmouth”. She’s not wrong. Back on December 10, 1989 the cathedral was the site of a horrendous “demonstration” organized by ACTUP – the AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power – in which the Sacred Host was snatched in the Communion line by militant sodomites, thrown to the ground, and trampled upon. What were they protesting? Apparently they didn’t like that John Cardinal O’Connor, then Archbishop of New York, wasn’t friendly enough to their cause. I still shudder thinking of what they did to my Lord but pro-tip: don’t distribute Our Lord into ANYONE’S hands.

How do I remember this? Because that same day my parents had taken me (12 years-old at the time) and my younger sister to see a Broadway musical. It was Meet Me in St. Louis, by the way. They actually had a full trolley car on stage. After the show we walked across Fifth Avenue on our way to dinner and saw the aftermath of the terror. I stepped over a placard in the middle of the street that read: “Eternal Life to Cardinal O’Connor NOW!” only “now” was the hideous logo of the the child killer group.

And since then? Well, as we see things have only gotten worse. This kind of thing doesn’t crop up overnight. Cardinal O’Connor has his eternal life now (for good or ill) as does his successor Cardinal Egan. Cardinal Dolan will have his one day too. May God have mercy on them all.

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