Daily Archives: April 13, 2024

Turbo Cancer is Real but So Is the Intercessory Power of God’s Tiniest Saints.

I had wanted to write about this for a while but the moment was not right. I just listened to Barnhardt Podcast episode 204 and then read Ann’s post about turbo cancer. if you don’t know, the young are developing aggressive forms of cancer (predominantly in the abdominal region) and dying quickly. This situation is unique to our moment in history. Now what could have happened over the last few years involving poisons and such that might have precipitated this?

The situation is indeed horrendous and we must all continue to pray for those who took the poison to be sure. And I have my own connection to this that I’d like to share.

In the spring of 2021 I discovered that one of my nieces (25 years-old at the time) who had been working at a pharmacy was actually injecting people with the jab and had taken it herself (at least one dose that I know of). It’s the “injecting others with it that really got me. You need all kinds of quasi-medical licensures in order to prescribe someone a pair of eyeglasses but anyone working the counter at a local drug shop can stick an experimental death jab in your arm. By the way, this niece is also my goddaughter so I feel especially responsible for setting her straight. I told her in no uncertain terms that she must not take another dose nor should she ever give it to another person again AND that she needed to go to confession. Although we didn’t have a falling out per se our relationship did cool considerably.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!

Flash forward to the fall of ‘23 when the same niece revealed to our family that she had been diagnosed with an aggressive stomach cancer. We all knew what it was from but that didn’t make it any better. A massive prayer chain began and we hoped for the best. A month after giving us the news, she was scheduled to go for a PET scan to see if this had spread and how bad it really was. Here’s the beautiful thing, friends. We have our own family saints. Just as Supernerd’s daughter Tiny Princess is a huge help to so many, we have our own little “Princess” in my niece’s sister Fiona. I may have even mentioned her in the past albeit not by name. Fiona was 23 months-old when she stumbled into the family’s swimming pool and drowned. She was baptized and could not have committed any personal sin. Ergo, Saint Fiona. We have to actually believe what we profess to believe, right? Boy has she helped me over the years. She also was my goddaughter.

So it really didn’t come as a shock to me when my niece informed me that her scans were miraculously negative and that they still show no sign of any anomalies. You read that right. The tumor is gone and she’s right as rain. So why do I share this story and why use her real name now? It is because I want people to call upon her. We have numerous tiny saints who have gone forth from this world who are only too eager to help – even if it’s only for the sake of bringing someone back into a state of grace or for obtaining the grace of baptism or a good confession. 

Ponder that for a few moments because people have asked me over the years how anyone could keep their faith after the loss of a child. I usually share with them a story that Fulton Sheen told in his collection Seven Words of Jesus and Mary. I’m paraphrasing because I do not have the book in front of me but you’ll understand the point.

“Sometimes the Good Shepherd, knowing that the sheep have grazed the field bare will pick up the littlest of the lambs and carry the babe up the hill – to higher ground, better ground. He does this knowing that the other sheep will look up and will follow up and be saved.”