Tag Archives: Anita Crane

Keep Writing: Rest in Peace, Anita Crane

Many years ago through an unusual set of circumstances and a mutual friend I was introduced to a woman who, at the time, was an editor at Human Life International’s Celebrate Life Magazine. She spoke with me by phone and made what I thought was an odd request.

“I want you to write a 3,000 word essay on the topic [we had just been discussing].”

Never having written anything professionally, I hesitated. And yet, this woman was determined to get an article out of me.

A month later, with almost no revisions from her, the article ran as the cover story that month. It may not have been the biggest of deals nor was it in the largest circulation, but it was my work with my name and I was humbled and proud at the same time.

And I was thankful to this woman for seeing something in me and pressing me to write.

Flash forward a few years. I had begun writing my blog. I ran into my friend at a college alumni event. Over a few cigarettes and glasses of wine we discussed all manner of things literary.

“You haven’t written in a while,” she said to me.

I told her I didn’t know if anyone was reading my work and asked her what the point was.

“Keep writing,” she said to me. “Even if only one person reads it, you have a gift and God expects you to use it.”

Last night I was saddened to learn of the passing of my friend, Anita Crane.

In your charity, please offer many prayers and sacrifices for the repose of her soul. If any priests read this and would like to offer a requiem for her soul, please email me and I will get a stipend to you.

And if even only one person reads this, I will consider my job done.

Heart of Jesus, pierced with love for sinful man, have mercy on us!

13th Station, Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Tyler, TX