Tag Archives: archbishop vigano

Just Say It! (And a Sidenote on Back to School) – updated with correction

The original posting had the name of Cardinal Caffarra where it should have said Cardinal Brandmueller. I am adding this note but changing the text below. Mea culpa.

There is a fascinating interview on CFN’s website. Matt Gaspers interviewed Archbishop Vigano. Check it out and see if you draw the same conclusions I did. I’ll wait…

In the meantime I want to make this statement that is unrelated to the main headline. Here’s a PSA since it’s Back to School time. If you are Catholic and are serious about raising your children to know, love, and serve God; do not ever, NEVER EVER NEVER, enroll your children in a public school. Oh I know I just pissed off some people with that one and I don’t care. The purpose of those “institutions” is to snatch your children away from YOU. They may learn a few things, sure, but at what cost? Oh it’s free? That’s the point. They really do make it easy for you to give them over to them, don’t they? I don’t toss my credentials around often because I never put much stock in the world of education. That being said, my 15 years as a teacher and administrator along with my MS in Ed/Am might count for something here. I am keenly aware of the history and structure of the public schools in America – and the Catholic schools for that matter. Yeah, skip over them as well. At this point the whole system is garbage. You’d be better off sitting your kid in front of a YouTube channel airing a test pattern for 8 hours every day. At least then they might grasp color theory. Confused? Drop me an email.

Also, have you read that article yet?

Please hurry. The hold music is Air Supply’s Lost in Love and I’m about to be lost in gin if you don’t read quicker.

That’s better.

Now then… The good former Nuncio seems to be saying something about one of two living cardinals or both. In fact, he just states it, albeit with a hint of mystique. He references the Dubia Cardinals and then tells us that one or both of the remaining two men has confided in friends that he witnessed irregularities in the “conclave” of 2013.

That ought to shock anyone who’s been paying attention. It’s either Card. Burke or Card. Brandmueller. Cardinals Caffarra and Meisner are gone to their rewards. I had long suspected this was the case as have others. Ann Barnhardt has spoken more than once about the necessity for just one cardinal (she mentions Burke by name) to come forward and state: “There were significant irregularities in the 2013 conclave and I am declaring an emergency situation in the Church.” That’s a paraphrase but you get the point.

Vigano states that one of these two men (or both) have confided as much in at least a handful of others but now refuse to state so publicly for fear of breaking some sort of “pontifical secret”. Here’s the thing, and Vigano rightly points this out, if the conclave was invalid then there is NO pontifical secret at play.

Now I am one of those who hold that the “conclave” was invalid because Pope Benedict’s resignation was completely invalid due to substantial error. Regardless, wouldn’t this just be more negative protection from Our Lord? And why on earth will either of these men not stand up and speak out? Do they have something on them? All right, brace yourself. What say it leaks that Cardinal Burke is a raging sodomite? I don’t believe he is but roll with it. Does that change the fact of the truth he would speak? And would it diminish his obligation to testify to the Truth in any way especially when the salvation of souls is on the line? Remember when we thought that was the actual mission of the Church? Turns out it still is – the True Church anyway.

To anyone who reads this (and I hope you share it and it goes viral not for my sake but for the Truth), pray hard that God give these two men the courage they need to speak.

Cardinal Burke, if you read this, please for the love of God intervene if you know something. The time has come and gone but it is not too late. What could they possibly do to you now? My sister met you about a month ago at a Mass in NJ. She tells me you don’t look well. May God give you the health you need to aide His Church. And if Archbishop Vigano is simply blowing smoke then may God have mercy on him. But it sounds like there’s something to this.

Our Lady of Copacabana, slayer of that evil demon, pray for us!

*Additional Sidenote: As I was getting dressed for Mass this morning I pulled my seersucker suit out of the closet and thought of George Neumayr.  When he and my sister confronted that fruitcake former priest (Rossi’s boy), George was wearing his seersucker suit and the bastard had the nerve to try to insult George for his appearance.  He said something queeny like “I can’t believe you’re wearing that ill-fitting thing…” I’ve thought of him every time I wear mine since that day, going on four years ago.  May he rest in peace.