Tag Archives: Arlington Carmelites

Great Job, Bishop Olson; Now do Actual Schismatics!

I stand with the Arlington Carmel. That was easy.

We used to have a word for men like Bishop Olson. We used to have a lot of them. Oaf comes to mind. Bully is another. There’s also pharisaical, lemming, quisling, and the old standby dirtbag.

If you haven’t read up on it yet, here’s the statement from the Carmel. Here’s the statement from Archbishop Vigano in support of the nuns. And here’s the response from Olson.

Possibly not the actual bishop. We’re not sure.

Here’s the thing. The good bishop announced today that the nuns are now possibly excommunicated. I ask, “From what?” What is excommunication in a Church where the man squatting on Peter’s throne gives Communion to Lutherans? What does it mean to be outside the structure of a Church where “All are welcome”? The sisters were right to cite their consciences in that letter. The anti-Church has been telling us for decades that conscience is king.

Is it that these women aren’t queer enough? Is it that they aren’t communist enough? You let all manner of filth approach the altar. For heaven’s sake not a one of you bishops will tell that doddering old clown Biden to confess and repent! He’s still good to come on down and stick out his hands, right?

Could it be that the Carmelites pray for the Church day and night and, as Vigano says, the true Church receives incredible spiritual benefits from their vocation? Can’t have efficacious Grace flowing like a river now, can we…

Can it be he wants their land, mailing lists, and cash? Wouldn’t be the first time. Just ask Henry VIII.

Whatever the reasons, it’s obvious these nuns have pissed off the “big guy” and we know he does not like being questioned.

Sisters, if he sends you a formal decree of excommunication, treasure it! They are rare indeed. And know that you got it for clinging to what is true and right and spiritually beneficial and that others were denied that decree. But then again they only advocate for sodomy and the murder of children.

God help us all!