Tag Archives: gaza

Urgent: Missionaries of Charity in Gaza Need Our Prayer and Fasting

A friend who is associated with the Missionaries of Charity shared some confirmed dire news this evening. God forgive me if I am violating any confidences (though I did ask if I could share this information and was told that prayers are indeed needed). Below is from a priest in the Holy Land.

The situation inside Gaza is dire. The parish compound is filled with Muslims and Christians. No electricity and very little water. They were told to evacuate but with handicapped patients of MC sisters and all the roads bombed, they cannot leave. They are just praying to die together. I have told the MCs to help shelter the migrant workers and students still inside Gaza.
Please pray for them”

Mother Teresa had a particular fondness for the Memorare, that most beautiful prayer of St. Bernard. She often called it her “spiritual machine gun”. Please pray many Memorares for the Sisters and for all those in this terrible situation.