Tag Archives: monk

TLM Anywhere: God Is in His Heaven and He Brings Us to His Calvary

Late last night we made it to our first destination. We had traveled here to attend the baptism of a friend’s first grandchild and yours truly was asked to be godfather. This is a task I take quite seriously and an honor for me. It doesn’t hurt that my precious baby goddaughter is adorable beyond belief. I now have fifteen godchildren.

The reason I did not specify where this took place is because sometimes I think we need to stay a little below the radar. Many of you will understand. And the point is larger than all that. Let me explain…

Before we set out on this journey I had asked Blessed Mother to obtain for me the grace of being able to come to daily Latin mass every day of our travels. finding a TLM anywhere can be a challenge, especially when one is driving cross-country. But I know many Catholics who won’t even search for the Novus Ordo when they go on vacation for even the Sunday mass and we must pray for them. I taught the faith for many years. A lot of Catholic school alums weren’t even taught the basics of obligation let alone the penalty of mortal sin. I never assume that anyone else has been given to know what I have or that I know half as much as the man next to me. Pray and beg the Lord for an increase in charity and humility.

I consecrated to Mary control of my exterior goods. She is a loving mother and she will take care of her children. So far, she has delivered.

Today we found ourselves invited to mass in a chapel at an institution of higher learning. The priest was a young monk who had graduated several years back. He belongs to a monastery that only says the vetus ordo. And… there’s my TLM and my first blessing from a new priest! Toss in a new Catholic in the baptism and this fifth Sunday after Easter was most definitely a happy day and I am a happy man.

Tomorrow’s mass is already scheduled.

God bless us and the Virgin protect us! Our Lady of Revelation, pray for us.

PS: Today was also the feast of my favorite saint, St. Rita of Cascia. I met my wife on the ninth day of a novena to this saint of the impossible. Turn to her with your impossible causes. St. Rita, we love you. Pray for us!