Tag Archives: st Monica

Bonus First Saturday Post: St. Monica, Widow, Mother of St. Augustine

Friends, NEVER underestimate the power of a mother’s prayer for her children.

St. Augustine is considered the greatest of the Latin Doctors and we have Monica to thank for that. He was lost to God, enthralling himself with the ways of the world and she never gave up.

The picture below depicts the two in prayer while waiting at the Roman port of Ostia for the return journey to North Africa – a journey Monica would not make due to her death (or so the picture has been explained to me, if anyone knows otherwise, please email me). Augustine had recently been baptized by St. Ambrose and was now to embark upon his life as a Christian. Monica could die in peace, having done her obligation to bring her son into the Church.

Read the beautiful Collect (perhaps composed by St. Gregory the Great) from her Mass today and see how much the Church recognizes and affirms her sacrifice.

“O God, the consoler of those Who mourn and the safety of those who put their trust in Thee; Who didst mercifully accept the holy tears of blessed Monica for the conversion of Augustine, her son; grant us through the intercession of both to bewail our sins and to obtain the grace of Thy forgiveness.”

Collect of the Mass for St. Monica

St. Monica and St. Augustine, pray for us!