The Three Most Important Reasons to Homeschool

A reader in Australia, who’s acquaintance I am pleased to make and who has not (miraculously) fallen off the bottom of the earth, recently wrote me regarding homeschooling. He and his wife are committed to the idea and will be forging an incredible path forward as a family. Keep them in your prayers.

As I wrote to him earlier today, there are three things to keep in mind.

1) God gave you and your wife alone the specific Grace to do this (educate your children). 2) Even on days when it feels like no formal learning is taking place, your kids will learn more just by being with you. 3) The alternative is diabolical.

As the old song says, “See you in September!”

Fun fact: this song was written by Sherman Edwards, a high school history teacher who also composed the musical 1776. He wrote it after watching his students all leave on the last day of school.

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