Daily Archives: August 30, 2023

Anything Goes

Cole Porter would be so proud. Here we are 89 years after he composed a hit musical and the Roman Catholic Church has decided to adopt its title song as Her motto. Also, Porter was a sodomite so maybe that’s the connection?

In olden days a glimpse of stocking was looked on as something shocking but now God knows…

Anything goes!

I could go on. Something about the world having gone mad and black being white and day being night and women chasing after gigolos…

Not sure what I mean? Many have only been warning about this for years, shouting from the wilderness like modern-day John the Baptist’s.

Take a look at the following headline from Canon212. And say a prayer for anyone in the path of Idalia.

Frank Walker deserves a prize for his skill in writing headlines. Brilliant.

So the German bishops, whom we have known to be apostate pseudo-Lutherans for a long time have finally crossed another of so many Rubicons in their march toward hell.

Sodomite “blessings” with no fear of reprisal? Perhaps no canonical penalties but there will be a Judgment for sure.

Remember folks, this is the same group who threaten Carmelite nuns with excommunication. That’s rich.

Consider if we took the above quote and applied it to, say, the SSPX.

It is no longer possible to say that all who are in any so-called irregular [CANONICAL] situation are in a state of…”

See that? Anything goes with this crowd.*

Check out some more.

If driving fast cars you like/If low bars you like/If old hymns you like/If bare limbs you like/If Mae West you like/Or me undressed you like… Well nobody will oppose!

Catchy tune, that.

Our Lady of Akita, pray for us!

*Unless you believe and practice what the Church has always believed and practiced prior to this clown show’s arrival on the scene. Then? Well, let’s just say anything does not go.