Peacocks and Tacodemons

One of my favorite things is getting to explore the United States with my wife and kids and to see the things I read about when I was younger.

Yesterday it was St. Augustine, Florida and the Fountain of Youth.

First of all, Ponce, you look like you were quite the guy. Points on the style, too. What the banner does not tell is that you were claiming the land not only for Spain, but also for Christ. Good job, my man.

Second, I’m entirely unsure why there are about 80 random peacocks roaming the grounds here. Florida considers them an invasive species. They’re native to India. I bet they came over for a better life in a nicer call center.

Finally, this evil bitch shows up a lot these days doesn’t she… this was in the gift shop. Out in plain sight. I said a prayer and walked away.

As the title cards from the commercials in the Tonight Show used to say, more to come…

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