Tag Archives: bergoglio


Friends, the Lady Barnhardt has hit it out of the park again. Please share this aggressively.

Part III Is Coming! Wait, You Still Haven’t Seen Parts I and II?

Friends, I was overjoyed when I heard that the Lady Barnhardt would be recording a new video that I had to pour out a gin and tonic. OK, a day of the week ending in “y” usually suffices. Here’s some background.

Below, I am embedding Parts I and II of her landmark video presentation on the Bergoglian Antipapacy. This is the presentation that I watched a few years ago that totally “flipped me” into this camp. I had known for some time that something was wrong with the whole “Fwancis is pope” thing but I could not figure out exactly how to square the circle. I do not consider myself an unintelligent man and this isn’t false modesty; but the whole situation is a mess from start to finish. Barnhardt laid out the case in a way that made crystal clear what exactly is going on. Passionate. Logical. To the point.

Ann promised never to do another video at the time of that production. However, recent events have prompted her to relent a bit. On Saturday October 7, the feast of the Holy Rosary, Ann will be recording Part III. Please pray for the success and widespread distribution of her effort. And if you haven’t seen the first two parts, have at it. Ann also does a phenomenal presentation on the topic of diabolical narcissism which is also worth a watch. Perhaps I’ll post that at a later date. It all kind of ties together.

Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary, pray for us!

I’m Going to Start Issuing my own Motu Propria

Or is that Motibus Propriis? My in-house Latinist (my best friend and drinking Buddy) insists on the latter.

Check this out from the gang at CNA:

“Pope Francis (sic) Changes Canon Law on Opus Dei and Any Future Personal Prelatures”

The logical conclusion to which I am drawn is this. If the “changes to Canon Law” now place the Prelature on the level of a Society of Apostolic life, does that mean Opus Dei has been knocked down a peg or has the FSSP, another Society of Apostolic Life, been elevated?

Furthermore this:

“It also further defined the role of the prelate as a “moderator endowed with the faculties of an ordinary’.”

This could be nothing but it’s not. Looks like the Fraternity might not ever get a bishop as they’ve so long been promised.


Sacred Heart of Jesus, St. Lucy’s Catholic Church/National Shrine of St. Gerard, Newark, NJ

What a Day…

We ran into fellow parishioners from our home parish a thousand miles away this morning. The Trad World is a small world. Kind of makes one wonder why it’s destruction is the centerpiece of the Argentine’s agenda. Scratching head…

Let’s see… what else did we do today? Oh, we crossed off two more states from our list. This brings the total to 45! And I can attest after today that there is no shortage of land on this earth.

Oh yes, I stood on the geographic center of the nation today!

And oh yes, Bergoglio appointed 21 new cardinals including the disgusting faggot he recently named head of doctrine. I think when I get home I will put a red hat on my Jack Russell Terrier and start calling him Eminence. as always, Barnhardt has the best analysis of the story here.

I particularly like and agree with her take that Bergoglio never held the papacy begin with and therefore could not have “lost it”.

Lord Jesus, have mercy on us!

Restore the 54, And More

Palm Sunday is upon us! The looming question for many is whether or not your trad parish will…

Restore the ‘54!

If you don’t follow what I’m saying, check out the link above. Fascinating stuff. My parish did this two years ago, then did the ‘55 last year, and now seems to be reverting back to the ‘54. I couldn’t be happier.

And now for something completely different…

Jorge Bergoglio is out of the hospital. This is good news as it hopefully affords him more time on this earth to repent before he dies – which he inevitably will. My dad was an actuary, folks. Trust me. But the real cause for concern at this moment is that dreaded “document” that may still drop on Monday.

It is all in God’s hands now. Maybe nothing will happen. Maybe the whole thing comes crashing down. Pray. Continue to fast. Offer your good works to God. Sacrifice your will to Him. It is the one thing He wants from each of us anyway.

God bless us and the Virgin protect us!

The Fruits of “Francis”

Yes I realize that the title sounds a bit odd. By fruits I am certainly not referring to the myriad sodomite priests, dykenuns, and assorted hangers-on that openly prance about the proverbial halls of the Church writ-large over the past decade. No, these fruits are legitimate and, if I may, quite beautiful – lush, fragrant, and ripe.

Like many of you, my inbox has been filled up lately with articles sent to me by other trads marking the tenth anniversary of the throne squatting of Jorge Bergoglio. One in particular was sent to me by my dear mother-in-law. Ten Terrible Years of Pope Francis, reads the headline by Damien Thompson.

All of this coverage has one common theme. Over the past decade the world’s slide down the slope of pure, unadulterated evil has rapidly accelerated. Last week’s latest stunt by the wicked German episcopate to recognize a “blessing” for faggots was either the culmination or a jumping off point depending on one’s viewpoint. These kinds of fruits – mutant, odiferous, and rotted to the slimy core – are, of course, rightly lain at the feet of the antipope. Hey, he destroyed that beautiful medieval crucifix in his Coof PR stunt a few years ago. I suppose something has to lay at his feet now.

But here is the biggest fruit in my estimation – and this one is a true fruit. I believe it will grow strong and tall and produce much fruit of its own.

Over the past ten years, I (and I suspect not a few of you readers) woke up and discovered that we had been misplanted. We had to. We saw that the Vatican II tree under which our seeds had fallen was a grotesque, Frankenstein-esque hodge-podge of cut branches, dead leaves, and a decayed, hollowed-out trunk. Did I mention it was covered in a withered vine made of felt?

You see, it started for me, the day he likened my mom to a rabbit. “Something’s not right,” I said to myself. The Vicar of Christ would never intentionally be so flippant, so crude about the sacred gift of life and the uber-dignity of motherhood. But then the crackpot kept going! He told the ill-formed youth of Brazil to make a mess without telling them what that should look like. He sidelined good bishops and cardinals and promoted sodo-heretic priests. And that was all in the first few years. By the time he got around to openly advocating Freemasonic bullshit like “universal brotherhood” and climate worship I knew the garden was desiccated. Then came the blasphemous “orders” to take the poison for the “good of others”. There must be a true tree and a true garden.

Thanks to his decade of abuse and the grace of Almighty God, I am now firmly planted in the older garden – the one that was lovingly tilled by the shepherds and watered by the martyrs’ blood for 1900 years before the attempted uprooting.

So thank you “Francis”. Ten years of you made me a trad!

For your efforts, may God see fit for you to (as Barnhardt says) repent, revert to Catholicism, and die in the state of grace in the fullness of time.

St. Joseph, Defender of the Church, pray for us!

Took my kids to a drive-thru safari recently. This clip from the journey seemed appropriate to the topic.

So They Say…

They say that Bergoglio is really, really upset and that he’s pouncing on Benedict’s death to further “restrict the Latin Mass”.

Forgive my apathy, but at this point, should I really care what an antipope threatens?

Do we know what to do if that happens? Yes. Stay confessed. Stop committing mortal sins. I heard Mark Docherty say something on Barnhardt’s most recent podcast: “Stay close to home.” To this I add, stay close to the Blessed Mother. Pray your rosary. Stock up on beeswax candles because, why not? Feed the hungry. Give drink to the thirsty. Clothe the naked. Get on your knees and pray. Fast. Mortify the flesh.

For heaven’s sake, He gave us the keys to this puzzle 2000 years ago. Stay close to Him.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us poor sinners!