Tag Archives: prayer

“Watch and Pray, Watch and Pray, Fifteen Decades Every Day.”

Recently a reader sent me a note asking if I could speak a bit more on my daily rosary, particularly my habit of praying all fifteen decades of the rosary daily. Well, dear reader, I will do just that!

First, the title… That clever little rhyme has probably been spoken by more than one person over the centuries; but I first heard it spoken by Bishop Williamson in one of his many YouTube talks. Now, regardless of how one may feel about the good bishop, the truth of what he says here is undeniable. That is, if one has the time to pray a complete rosary every day, one probably should be doing that. As for the “watch and pray” part? It’s not just that he needed words to rhyme with “every day”. It’s a clear reference to the dangerous times in which we live and to Our Lord’s Gospel admonition regarding the return of the Son of Man as Judge.

I heard someone tell a funny story once about the Luminous Mysteries. Wow, I didn’t even write “so-called” before that. I must be mellowing out in my older years. Anyway, the story goes that a fellow asked his parish priest if he should pray the Luminous Mysteries. The priest replied, “There’s no harm in that. Just also make sure you pray the rosary.”

So on praying the original, thirteenth century, handed from Blessed Mother to St. Dominic rosary… Here’s how I do it. The first thing is to mentally commit to the task. When I was young and my father would announce – right after dinner and while I was trying to watch Jeopardy! – that it was time for our family rosary, I wasn’t always thrilled to say the least. I viewed this not as an act of devotion to the Blessed Mother so much as an interruption of my schedule. Isn’t that ridiculous? Obviously, even then I knew that I was being stupid and that, of course, the rosary needed to come first and yet I still hated having to stop what I was doing to pray. Clearly, decades later I have gotten over it. And this is why I believe a family rosary is so important. Even if the kids would rather watch TV and resent you for making them stop to get the beads out, it will eventually sink in. But it can’t sink in if it never happens in the first place.

So on to the fifteen decades… Traditionally, as we know, the rosary is divided into three groups of five mysteries – Joyful, Sorrowful, and Glorious. I find that praying any one of those groups takes me about fifteen minutes. Now, I’m from New Jersey. We all speak fast. I’m the guy at Mass who, during the Leonine prayers at the end, finishes up one full word ahead of everyone else in the church and I’m not even trying. Your fifteen decades may take a few minutes longer. Either way, someone pointed out to me once that fifteen minutes is roughly 1% of the total time in a day. I did the math. It’s true. Now think of it in those terms. Can you spare 1% of the time God gave you? Am I trying to use guilt here? Sure am. Seriously, that time is a free gift from God. You didn’t create it. You cannot stop it advancing. It is yours to use in His service. You can do it

As it turns out, it takes me about fifteen minutes to drive to my parish. Since I’m already going there for Mass every day, I use the opportunity a lot of days to pray five decades either going or coming or both. Plenty of times my kids are in the car with me and we all pray together. Trust me, there’s nothing of value on the radio anyway since Rush died.

That only leaves the final five decades. Typically, if I haven’t prayed those during one of the many other times I find myself behind the wheel during the day, I will finish them before bed. My son and I take a little drive around town just for that purpose. He’s very good at reminding me.

So that’s the how. As to the why? Why not. See above about the percentage of time in a day. That doesn’t even get into the centuries of spiritual writing on the rosary, the words of great saints, the admonition of the Blessed Mother herself at Fatima and other places. Are we in the end times? Things are certainly bad (some would rightly argue worse than they’ve ever been). Should that matter? Can you ever go wrong meditating on the life of Jesus and Mary?

I will continue this more in a future post as it is getting late.

Our Lady, Queen of the Rosary, pray for us!

Keep Writing: Rest in Peace, Anita Crane

Many years ago through an unusual set of circumstances and a mutual friend I was introduced to a woman who, at the time, was an editor at Human Life International’s Celebrate Life Magazine. She spoke with me by phone and made what I thought was an odd request.

“I want you to write a 3,000 word essay on the topic [we had just been discussing].”

Never having written anything professionally, I hesitated. And yet, this woman was determined to get an article out of me.

A month later, with almost no revisions from her, the article ran as the cover story that month. It may not have been the biggest of deals nor was it in the largest circulation, but it was my work with my name and I was humbled and proud at the same time.

And I was thankful to this woman for seeing something in me and pressing me to write.

Flash forward a few years. I had begun writing my blog. I ran into my friend at a college alumni event. Over a few cigarettes and glasses of wine we discussed all manner of things literary.

“You haven’t written in a while,” she said to me.

I told her I didn’t know if anyone was reading my work and asked her what the point was.

“Keep writing,” she said to me. “Even if only one person reads it, you have a gift and God expects you to use it.”

Last night I was saddened to learn of the passing of my friend, Anita Crane.

In your charity, please offer many prayers and sacrifices for the repose of her soul. If any priests read this and would like to offer a requiem for her soul, please email me and I will get a stipend to you.

And if even only one person reads this, I will consider my job done.

Heart of Jesus, pierced with love for sinful man, have mercy on us!

13th Station, Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, Tyler, TX

The Dead

I am currently traveling. My family and I arrived in the Fatherland yesterday (New Jersey) for the wedding of one of my nieces. It was All Saints Day. The rest of the gang made it to the early Mass at home before our flight. Yours truly still had some packing to do and so I went to a sung Mass at the ICK oratory I usually attend when I am home. It was, as it always is, magnificent. Laudetur Jesus Christus!

Which brings us to today. November 2nd. All Souls Day.

As I am “back home” for the next few days, I will have the opportunity not only to attend Masses for the dead but to visit the old family plot at the cemetery.

There isn’t much more I can add to this other than the exhortation to pray always for the souls in purgatory. In God’s infinite Mercy you and I may be among them one day.

Offer prayers, sufferings, and good works for the souls of the faithful departed this month and always.

Here is a link to a set of daily prayers for the dead that I use. But even the simply “Eternal rest grant unto them” prayer we were all taught growing up is perfectly acceptable. Make the sign of the cross when you pass a cemetery. Pray for them!

Crucifixion Window, St. Mary’s, Fort Worth, TX

Urgent: Missionaries of Charity in Gaza Need Our Prayer and Fasting

A friend who is associated with the Missionaries of Charity shared some confirmed dire news this evening. God forgive me if I am violating any confidences (though I did ask if I could share this information and was told that prayers are indeed needed). Below is from a priest in the Holy Land.

The situation inside Gaza is dire. The parish compound is filled with Muslims and Christians. No electricity and very little water. They were told to evacuate but with handicapped patients of MC sisters and all the roads bombed, they cannot leave. They are just praying to die together. I have told the MCs to help shelter the migrant workers and students still inside Gaza.
Please pray for them”

Mother Teresa had a particular fondness for the Memorare, that most beautiful prayer of St. Bernard. She often called it her “spiritual machine gun”. Please pray many Memorares for the Sisters and for all those in this terrible situation.

Prayer Time (Again)

How did you observe the anniversary of the death of Saaaaiiiinttt Paul VI? JK. It was Transfiguration Sunday around here.

What good is having a trad audience if you can’t ask your friends to pray for an intention every now and then?

Ever thankful that so many of you read my daily musings, I ask you all who read this to lift up in prayer a friend of mine who is going through a particularly rough spot.

Thank you in advance!

Our Lady of Victory, pray for us!

Bread, Roses, and (More) Prayers


I must have missed it this morning. I got up early. Thank you, Guardian Angel. Seriously, I have been in the habit over the past few years of trying to draw nearer to my angel, getting him more involved in my life, showing him my gratitude, and calling upon his most powerful help. I asked him last night to make sure I was awake this morning for my prayers and the early Mass. I find on days like this that, having asked his help, he delivers. I woke up minutes before my alarm. The thought was in my head, nagging me to push beyond the limits of my sleep-deprived body, telling me to get out of bed, drop to my knees, and say my prayers. Before I knew it, I was on my way to Mass. I know it was him and I am very grateful.

But the thing I must have missed is the Rogation Days. Father said the Mass for St. John Baptist de la Salle. Don’t get me wrong. St. John is a patron of teachers and I have called on his intercession countless times over the years. It wasn’t until tonight, however, that I realized today is the first of the three Rogation Days and that there should probably be some fasting tacked on to my daily prayers. Hence, the bread… Did I fast today? Well, no. As I said, I only realized at the end of the day. But it is a great reminder to me that fasting is vital to the Christian life.


It also dawned on me that, like her nineteenth century counterpart in the Communion of Saints St. Therese, St. Rita is associated with roses. Now, rarely have I prayed the novena and actually received a rose at the end but others have reported this gift. Personally, although I detest gardening, I love roses. Rather than to expect her to send one to me, this year, in thanksgiving for the great grace of being able to spread devotion to her, I think I will offer a rose or two to my dear saint. Who knows? Maybe she will send a few my way as well. You who sent petitions remain listed by name in my daily novena. Also, if for any reason I have neglected to reply to an email lately, please remind me by sending another. I do love the interaction I have had with all of the readers of this blog. I wake up most mornings flabbergasted that 1) people are reading my writing and 2) you seem to enjoy the conversation. Again, you are all in my daily prayers.

(More) Prayers

Speaking of prayers, please offer one for me if you think of it. In a couple of days I am embarking on a long roadtrip with my wife and kids. Where to, you ask? The short answer is everywhere. You will see as we travel and I update the blog with new pictures and stories. The truth is that we are a roadtrip family and as we’ve taken these trips in the past we’ve discovered that sometimes it’s better to have a general idea of where we’re going and then simply get off the beaten path along the way. The purpose of our trip is business related but it hearkens back to 2016 when we did something similar. On that trip we covered over 15,000 miles in the course of 8 weeks. So pray for our safety and the success of our trip, please. And say a prayer for a young man named Christopher. He works at the agency where we rented our vehicle for the journey. We had booked a minivan due to the dramatic increase in the cost of everything. However, from experience I know that minivans, while normally fine, are no fun for the driver or passengers on a trip like this. I may have tossed a petition into the novena the past few days for an upgrade. Young Christopher at Avis was apparently the instrument for God in answering that prayer. An Expedition it is then.

And before you get to that one, say a prayer that my head doesn’t swell too much. No, it wouldn’t be from pride (this time). While inspecting the large SUV we rented for the trip I accidentally slammed to top of my Irish melon into the corner of the rear liftgate. Thus I myself have become the first victim of Harvey’s World Tour ’23. It’s a good thing I’ve been trying to popularize men wearing hats again.

Sadly, doggo will be boarding with my mother-in-law. This is a good thing. He can’t drive to save his life.

St. Christopher, pray for us!

Listen to Mother: First Saturday Again

Tomorrow is the first Saturday of the month of the Holy Rosary!

I can never share this information enough so if you’ve read this one before, please consider sharing the contents. Do not feel compelled to share the post per se. I could care less if people are reading my writing. But the content comes from Our Lady. So tell a friend or several friends. The goal is heaven.

In your fraternal charity, would you also consider praying for my intentions? Thank you in advance.

First Saturday Devotion

In 1925, Our Blessed Mother, Mediatrix of All Grace, revealed to Sr. Lucia that she wished men to make acts of reparation to her Immaculate Heart, specifically in the devotion of the five first Saturdays. Click here for the full list from the Fatima Center, but the act involves confession, Mass, rosary, and meditation. The last one always seems hardest to me as my mind wanders easily.

Madonna and Child, plaster statue, Priory of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Canons Reg. Of the New Jerusalem), Charles Town, WV

For so simple a task – really an act of love – Our Blessed Mother promises so much in reward., not least of which is her sweetest consolation at the hour of death. Remember, in this act we are given to console her. She suffered more for the human race – and for each of us individually – than anyone save her Son. Now she offers to assist us at the most torturous moment of our existence when the soul is torn from the body and appears before her Son in judgment. That terrible day will be mitigated because she will stand by and advocate for us.

Make the devotion. Share the devotion.

Our Lady, Help of Christians, pray for us!