Daily Archives: March 14, 2024

Embarrass You? Is That a Challenge?

My teenage daughter, who has the most beautiful voice I’ve ever heard, is heavily involved in theater. This is no easy feat considering her mother and I have to carefully select the activities we allow her to be a part of, what with the weirdos in the world.

Keep in mind that yours truly is partially responsible for creating that voice.

Tomorrow is opening night. We’ve been through this before. I bring flowers. It’s a big deal even if it is only Dallas regional theater.

Tonight I told her that I was taking it to a whole new level.

“I’m wearing my tux tomorrow,” I said.

She looked at me cross eyed.

“What?!” she replied with all the typical teenage angst she could muster. “Don’t embarrass me.”

“Sweetheart,” I said, “I created that voice and I’m pretty proud of it.”

Embarrass her? Who me? Never.

For the life of me I don’t understand why people aren’t having kids. They’re so much fun.

Look, toots, your daddy grew up outside New York. His mother took him to see Broadway shows when they weren’t all queered to the hilt. Singing and acting are in our genes. And so is class.

Oh I’m wearing that tux. And I may even jump to my feet at curtain calls and yell, “Bravissimo!!!”