Daily Archives: June 4, 2023

Returning to the World of Sodo-Pride

I spent the past week in the company of friends at our yearly beach gathering. Although the weather was a bit rough, I always love this week. One of our friends is a priest who offered a TLM every day for us. Of our other friends, we comprise a group of families with a combined total of more than 30 children and, happily now, several grand-babies. It was a time to catch up, relax, and celebrate our own brand of pride. That is, we celebrated the true joy of family. Straight, normal, family. And we the parents recognize that we cannot be proud because we know that our families are truly gifts from God. As a dad, I take just the slightest bit of pride in my role in all this but I know it’s not really pride if that makes sense. Most amazing of all is that we spent our time in a place where the only flags we saw for the week sport not rainbows but beach-y things like seashells and banal sayings about spending time on the sand. I mean, they’re gay flags all right but not gay flags if that makes sense.

So today when we checked out of our house, the caravan made its way up the coast and toward a TLM parish where we probably inundated the usual crowd at the 1:30 low Mass. we met an old friend who had celebrated our nuptial Mass. He’s assigned to this parish now. None of us, not even the priest, were trads then. Yet here we are. And that was another beautiful gift from God.

St. Scholastica statue, St. Benedict Parish (FSSP), Chesapeake, VA

We also saw the emblems of the sodogarchy come back into view as the ocean disappeared in the rear view and the rainbow flags came into sight. It was kind of a letdown, leaving our secured location and coming back into the world of the pervs. Ah well, we had to face it sooner or later.

All in all, though, God is far too wonderful to me than I deserve and for the gift of the past week I am most grateful.

Sorry for the “light” posting over the past few days. I’m back (sort of… I still have another 6 weeks on the road). But the next six weeks will see us meet up with more likeminded folks in places like the northeast, the Midwest, and hopefully an opportunity to visit the mortal remains of Sr. Wilhelmina.

So please continue to keep us in your prayers for continued safe travels and I’ll continue to update you on the journey.

St. Christopher, pray for us!