Daily Archives: June 5, 2023

A Few Things…

The Jesuit Gets It Wrong Again. Are we Shocked?

June has busted out all over! However, whereas in the past we only had to contend with a few gay things, this year the demonic is out in full force. Here’s the timeline in case you weren’t playing along.

1950’s: Ethel Merman. They tell me she wasn’t actually a drag queen but the jury is still out.

1960’s: Stonewall. “Police brutality, man!” No, you’re disgusting and you’re being disgusting in public. Stop it.

1970’s: ‘Nuff said.

1980’s: The Golden Girls introduced us to four old hag-whores and spent seven seasons trying to normalize all manner of deviousness.

1990’s: Disney owned subsidiary Miramax releases the movie Priest, a blasphemous film if ever there was one. Concerned Catholics decided to protest the Mouse and are shot down by naysayers who nay-said, “You can’t avoid everything now can you?”

And on and on it went…

And so in 2023 we get the following. “Father James Martin says the Alphabet Agenda is compatible with the Sacred Heart.

No. No, it isn’t.

So we’ve gone from the gay 50’s to this. A supposedly Catholic priest – one with the blessing of the Vatican no less – spouting such outright blasphemy as this.

Surely the end must be near. I’m remembering something about there coming a time when men with itching ears will heap to themselves all manner of false teaching…

Let me spell it out for Fr. on the off chance that he didn’t really know what he was saying.

The Sacred Heart of Jesus bleeds with love for the repentant sinner. The sodomite bleeds with love for himself. The only connection between the two is that the sodomite commits sins that cry unto the Sacred Heart of Our Lord for vengeance.

I hope that helped.

When Wine Isn’t Wine

And then we have this:

“Kansas Archbishop Clarifies Wine Validity Norms After Learning that Parishes we’re Using Invalid Wine for Years”

I called this last year, folks. So here we have a situation where literally thousands of Masses were completely invalid because…?

I’ll tell you why. Obviously it results from invalid matter. For every sacrament to be valid there must be proper form (the words), proper matter (the physical thing), and proper intention. The Church can supply jurisdiction when necessary but not proper form or matter and certainly not a missing intention. Here’s the thing though. Why did these priests think they could use an invalid wine?

Because they were malformed.

That simple. In their seminary days they were taught that they could fiddle with the Mass, with confession, with baptism. I know. I was there. In the past few years, we’ve heard of priests who had never actually been baptized. We’ve all been to confession with a priest who didn’t quite say the right words of absolution. And now we can question every blessed Mass we attend.

Well, others can question. I attend a TLM for a reason. You can’t mess around with that.

It might not be a bad idea, though, if you’re going to attend a Novus Ordo, to grab the priest ahead of time and ask a few questions.

“Father, are you using real bread, real wine, and what is your intention?” If he says he’s not sure on the first two then walk away. On the last count, if he says, “I’m going to preside over a community meal,” RUN away.

Malachi Martin alluded to this in Windswept House when he has Cessi Gladstone address the Slavic Pope over the issue of the “countless invalid Masses” taking place all over the world.

So hang on to your hats. Steel yourselves. Hunker down.

Or just come over to the dark side and join me for an ancient Mass.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us!