Daily Archives: June 11, 2023

And Now for Something Completely Different

While on a long stretch of drive today I listened to a British TV presentation of a few years ago. The program was called The Kings and Queens of England. It covers, one at a time, every king and queen of England from the time of the Norman Conquest in 1066 to Elizabeth II. It’s four and a half hours long and I only got to the Stuarts. And as though I didn’t already know this, all I can say is:

“What a bunch of freaks!”

Adultery seemed to be the order of the day. Also murder, usurpation, faggotry galore, theft, very bad theology, and bad teeth.

In other words, it played out just like the Roman Curia of today.

The presenter who is also the writer of the show’s script got a few things wrong. But all in all it was an interesting listen. I’ll include the embed below for the interested (insomniac) viewer. One thing I found most fascinating is that England hasn’t had a native sovereign since Harold Godwinson in 1066.

St. Edward the Confessor, pray for us!